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2011 China Int'l Consumer Electronics Show
2011 China International Consumer Electronics Show ended over the weekend, attracting 523 global consumer electronics companies and hundreds of industry experts.
Lotus at their best in Weishan Lake
Lotuses in Weishan Lake are at their best in the midsummer season in Jining city, Shandong province.
A fare deal for students
"Hail to the bus driver, bus driver man," the chorus might go.
The 7th Malaysia-China Business Council Meeting will be held in Jinan

JINAN: Malaysia-China Business Council(MCBC) will be held from 20-22 July in this provincial capital of Shandong. Chinese Joint Chairman/CCPIT Vice Chairman Yu Ping, Musa, Pairin, Vice Mayor of Jinan Chen Xiayun will be addressing a business forum after the council meeting.

MalaysianJoint Co-Chairman Tun Musa Hitam wants Sabah entrepreneurs to closely liaise with the China Council for Promotion of International Trade(CCPIT) to attract Chinese investment.

"MCBC basically is a coordinating council for private and public companies. After introduction, the companies and entrepreneurs should follow up with discussions and mutual visits for a fruitful outcome," Musa said at a reception hosted by CCPIT Jinan Sub-Council for Malaysian delegates who will be attending tomorrow's MCBC's Seventh Annual Joint Council Meeting, here Monday night.

Tun Musa said the city of Jinan and the provincial government were very serious about this meeting, as it was the biggest delegation MCBC had ever planed and almost half of the delegates came from Sabah.

Among the delegates are Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan and Sabah's Minister of Resources Development & Information Technology Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai.

Musa said China was developing very fast and that the Chinese government was aware of the danger of its economy overheating, and thus wanted to efficiently distribute economic development from more popular areas to the less popular or neglected regions in the country.

He said he hoped the delegation would take this opportunity to look for and identify business opportunities.

"Networking and business matching are very important in this meeting," added Musa.

There will also be a panel discussion on the key issues in attracting investments from China to Malaysia and vice versa.

The Malaysian delegation will be leaving for the port city of Qingdao on July 21 to attend the Qingdao-Sabah State Trade and Investment Seminar the following day before ending the visit.

From Bernama

Editor Yu Meng


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