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Qingyuan makes stage pose at Guangdong International Tourism Expo


The 2011 China (Guangdong) International Tourism Industry Expo was inaugurated at the Guangzhou Poly World Trade Exhibition Center on September 2.

May Day brings 600,000 tourists to Qingyuan


Qingyuan attracted 601,600 tourists during this spring’s May Day holiday, up 18.76 percent over the same period last year.

Yinghong town to build a primary school


The Party committee and government of Yinghong town of Qingyuan’s Yingde city will invest 25 million yuan to build a new campus for the central primary school.

Photographer focuses on trash issues


Meet Wang Jiuliang, a 34-year-old gold award winner for Outstanding Artist of the Year at the 2009 Lianzhou International Photography Festival.

TV show promotes ‘Charming Qingyuan’


CCTV crews recently finished shooting, “Happy China Tour – Charming Qingyuan,” an entertainment show...

Lianzhou invests 280 million yuan for afforestation


Since last August, the people of Lianzhou city have been working to improve the local environment.

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