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The first provincial "Happy kitchen" demonstration site was put into use in Qingyuan
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Updated: 2012-01-11

The first provincial

"Happy kitchen" was established at Daping Primary School, located in Lixi town, Yingde city, Guangdong province. Starting on January 7, pupils can eat hot meals at lunch time in the "happy kitchen".

The happy kitchen is the first provincial demonstration site, which was organized by the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Youth Administration, Provincial Young Pioneers Working Committee, Qingyuan Municipal Party committee and other units.

Leaders and members of the Provincial Youth Administration attended the opening ceremony, visited the left-behind children's home and brought consolation money and gifts to the children. Representative teachers and students from provincial experimental middle school accompanied the visit.

Daping Primary School is located west of the Lixi town, Yingde city, Guangdong province. Presently it has three classes, 48 pupils and five teachers. Since the school is in mountainous areas, the teaching and living conditions are very difficult. Many pupils live far away from the school and it takes them more than one hour to go to school on foot every day. At lunch time, the pupils can only eat cold meals that they brought from home in the morning. Since last September, the Provincial Youth Administration united Provincial Department of Education, the Southern Daily and other units together, used the Hope project, and organized the "happy kitchen" welfare program. When completed, the "happy kitchen" will solve the problem of lunch for 30 teachers and pupils at the Daping Primary school.

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