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Guangdong’s highest temple listed into the 10 new discoveries in Qingyuan
By Li Jing ( China Daily)
Updated: 2010-08-31

Guangdong’s highest temple listed into the 10 new discoveries in Qingyuan

News came from the municipal departments for the protection of cultural and historical relics that Dongyue Imperial Palace has recently been included into the list of the Ten New Discoveries in Qingyuan.

Located at the top of Dongyue Mountain (meaning "mountain in the east"), in the town of Lianzhou, Qingyuan city, Dongyue Imperial Palace is the highest temple in Guangdong province, perched at 1,452 meters.

Built in 1898 during the Qing Dynasty and renovated in 1946, Dongyue Imperial Temple is now a climbing hot spot. Named after the famous Taishan Mountain of the east, the temples were originally built for devotees to worship the lord of Taishan Mountain.

The three temples within the palace represent valuable cultural heritage according to experts, "there is still more that needs to be studied", as the site probably holds many hidden treasures.

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