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SOE heads at Beijing promotional fair

By Zhao Xiao (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2017-03-01

Inner Mongolia’s promotion fair for seeking investment from State-owned enterprises (SOEs) brought dozens of company leaders together to discuss ongoing projects in the region, with the aim of reaching mutually beneficial trade agreements.

The conference was held at Beijing’s China National Convention Center on Feb 27.

SOE heads at Beijing promotional fair

Shu Yinbiao, chairman of the State Grid Corporation of China, addresses the promotional fair held at Beijing’s China National Convention Center on Feb 27.

SOE heads at Beijing promotional fair

Chen Jinxing, chairman of China Datang Corporation, gives a speech concerning interest in investing in Inner Mongolia during the fair. [Photo/people.cn]

SOE heads at Beijing promotional fair

Zhang Yuzhuo, chairman of the Shenhua Group Corporation Ltd, conveys his intention to invest in the region on Feb 27. [Photo/people.cn]

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