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Mongolian medicine a hot topic at 1st China-Mongolia Expo


Updated: 2015-10-27

Mongolian medicine a hot topic at 1st China-Mongolia Expo

Chinese and Mongolian representatives sign a cooperation agreement at the International Mongolian Medicine Academic Forum of the first China-Mongolia Expo on Oct 23 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. The two parties agreed to build a traditional Mongolian medicine center in Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia, to carry clinical treatment and training of Mongolian medicine. [Photo/Xinhua]


Mongolian medicine a hot topic at 1st China-Mongolia Expo

The International Mongolian Medicine Academic Forum grants awards to the outstanding performances in Mongolian medicine research. [Photo/Xinhua]

Mongolian medicine a hot topic at 1st China-Mongolia Expo

Inner Mongolia’s achievements in Mongolian medicine are displayed at the first China-Mongolia Expo on Oct 25 in Hohhot. To date, the region has 122 Mongolian and Chinese medicine hospitals, five Mongolian medicine companies and 38 companies of Chinese and Mongolian medicine. [Photo/Xinhua]

Mongolian medicine a hot topic at 1st China-Mongolia Expo

A worker introduces Mongolian medicine to the visitors at the first China-Mongolia Expo on Oct 25. [Photo/Xinhua]


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China-Mongolia grassland tourism nadam coming soon

The 27th Inner Mongolian Tourism Nadam(the word "nadam" in the Mongolian language means recreation, entertainment and games)will kick off in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, on July 23 and run until July 29.

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