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1st China-Mongolia Expo set to open


Updated: 2015-10-21

The first China-Mongolia Expo (CME) will open in Hohhot, capital of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, from Oct 23 to 27.

The expo follows the joint declaration signed by Chinese and Mongolian heads in August 2014 on establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership. It aims to push cooperation in politics, economy, education, health and culture, to facilitate the Belt and Road Initiative and the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor.

The Inner Mongolia Convention and Exhibition Center is the expo’s main venue.

The expo has 32 activities of four categories, including exhibitions, investment and trade symposiums, conferences and forums, and the Sino-Mongolian culture exchange week.

The investment and trade negotiations will include conferences on the investment environment and key projects, negotiation meetings on new energy and resources development, and other fields of cooperation.

Seven forums will cover subjects like the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, dairy industry development, higher education, and Mongolian medicines.

In addition to goods from Mongolia and China, the exhibits will cover scientific technology, Mongolian medicines and the industrial achievement of Inner Mongolia. 

Six activities will be included in the Sino-Mongolian culture exchange week, including a photography and oil painting exhibition, Mongolian costume show, a concert and a football tournament.

The first China-Mongolia Expo is sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the Mongolian Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Inner Mongolian government.

1st China-Mongolia Expo set to open
Logo of the first China-Mongolia Expo.

1st China-Mongolia Expo set to open

The symbol of the first China-Mongolia Expo is a combination of a traditional Chinese knot-a symbol of luck and happiness in China-and a traditional Mongolian emblem.


Project demonstrates success in Inner Mongolia

Journalists from 58 web media companies around China visited Inner Mongolian villages between July 3 and July 8 to learn about the effect the “Ten Coverages” project has had after two years of implementation.

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