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Football tournament is on among Chinese, Russian and Mongolian universities


Updated: 2015-09-14

Eight universities from three countries compete in the China-Russia-Mongolia International Universities Football Invitational Tournament that started on Sept 10 at Inner Mongolia Normal University.

Sponsored by Inner Mongolia Football Association, Federation of University Sports of Inner Mongolia and the region’s Youth Federation, the football event has attracted delegations from eight universities, including Buryat State University from Russia, Mongolian State University of Education, Mongolian University of Life Sciences and Inner Mongolia University.

Officials from Inner Mongolia and Mongolia and presidents of the eight universities were on hand at the tournament’s opening ceremony.

Inner Mongolia is the first province-level pilot for football reform in China, approved by a State Council work conference in September 2014.

After the opening ceremony a memorandum was signed to construct a campus football federation among Inner Mongolia Normal University, Inner Mongolia University for the Nationalities and Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology.

Football tournament is on among Chinese, Russian and Mongolian universities

Opening cerebration for the China-Russia-Mongolia International Universities Football Invitational Tournament in Inner Mongolia Normal University on Sept 10. [Photo/imnu.edu.cn]

Football tournament is on among Chinese, Russian and Mongolian universities

The football team of Buryat State University from Russia marches into the arena at the opening ceremony of the tournament in Inner Mongolia Normal University on Sept 10. [Photo/imnu.edu.cn]

Football tournament is on among Chinese, Russian and Mongolian universities

Krasnoyask Normal University’s football team waves to the audience at the opening ceremony in Inner Mongolia Normal University on Sept 10. [Photo/imnu.edu.cn]

Football tournament is on among Chinese, Russian and Mongolian universities

The team from Mongolian National University of Education participates in the China-Russia-Mongolia International Universities Football Invitational Tournament in Inner Mongolia on Sept 10. [Photo/imnu.edu.cn]

Football tournament is on among Chinese, Russian and Mongolian universities

A match is carried between Inner Mongolia Normal University and Mongolian University of Education on Sept 10 in Inner Mongolia Normal University. [Photo/imnu.edu.cn]

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