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Three Gorges Tribe

( sanxiarenjia.com )

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12. Boatman Performance

Three Gorges Tribe
Boatman Performance

Suppose you have the chance to stand by the side of the Xiling Gorge with surging torrents, hearing the forceful and plain roaring of the boatmen, you must will be deeply impressed by this ancient musical sound, which, sometimes, may put you in mind of the hard life of the boatmen living in the three gorges area thousands of years ago……

13. The Longxi Bridge

Three Gorges Tribe
The clear Longxi Brook moves slowly, passing Longxi Bridge.

The clear Longxi Brook moves slowly, passing Longxi Bridge with four arching caves and six pillars, spanning above green water into the Yangtze River. Under such circumstance, you couldn’t help but to remember one romantic poet. While there exists one beautiful girl from the farmhouse standing on the boat that floats on the surface of water, singing one plain folk song. Even you have one painting pen, still such scenery of Shangri-la can’t be produced.

14. The Moon-Inviting Pavilion

Three Gorges Tribe
Moon-Inviting Pavilion (photo from nipic.com)

Its name comes after a line of a poem written by Li Bai, a famous Chinese poet of the Tang dynasty, “Hold upward Wineglass to Invite the Bright Moon”. Putting one pot of wine with fragrant flavor in this high summer pavilion that overlooks the Bright-moon Bay below, and hold upward wineglass to invite the bright moon, what a miraculous scenery will it be. Under such circumstance, although it is not in the heaven, but feels very much like in it.

15. The boatman stone

This strange shape-like stone, located on the top of the mountain on the north bank of the Bright-moon Bay, looks very much like one boatman on bamboo hamlet and raincoat waving quant in a life-like canoe. 16. Longjin Brook Wharf

Located in the Shipai village, the Longjin Brook valley is of great magnificence and depth. The spring here is clear from surface to the bottom, cool and sweet. Walking along the valley surrounded by lofty mountains covered with dense virgin woods, you may hear the melodious sounds of birds and monkeys, and smell the flavor of wild flowers. All of sudden, a feeling of quietness and clearness will creep upon you. Here is an ideal place for relaxation and holidays.

17. Yellow Dragon Waterfall

Three Gorges Tribe

It got its name since the shape of water flow looks like a dragon discharging water from its mouth.

The Yellow Dragon Waterfall is located in the middle reach of the Longjin Brook. It got its name since the shape of water flow looks like a dragon discharging water from its mouth. It is mighty and the sound of the roaring torrents can be heard even if you are very far away.

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