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Three Gorges Tribe

( sanxiarenjia.com )

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8. King Ba Palace

Three Gorges Tribe

King Ba Palace is constructed by materials of huge stones and wood.

The King Ba Palace, a construction of the Ba tribes with the materials of huge stones and wood, is a history from prosperity to decadency of a nationality, gorgeous life history of one tribe leader. Here, crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs were within hearing of each other, and ducks and gooses are playing together. You may see all kinds of ancient planting tools, and smoke curls upwards on the house roof. The inner house is filled with fragrant tea flavor.

9. Qinying Waterfall

Three Gorges Tribe

The fine soft lines of this waterfall is like fairy maiden’s water-yarn.

Qinying Waterfall is also located in the middle reach of the Longjin Brook. The fine soft lines of this waterfall is like fairy maiden’s water-yarn, or like the tiny light fog flying in the valley.

10. Seven Piles Spring

Three Gorges Tribe

Happy spring water runs along the ditch into the Yangtze River.

The Seven Piles Spring is located in the downstream of the Longjin Brook, the happy spring water runs along the ditch into the Yangtze River, forming a beautiful picture of seven piles of silver necklace.

11. The Monkey Mountain

Three Gorges Tribe

Hundreds of wild monkeys are playing with each other in the dense forest along the Longjin Brook valley.

In the dense forest along the Longjin Brook valley, hundreds of wild monkeys are playing with each other, while roaring continuously. Sometimes, they may jump off the trees and crouch by the side of the road, begging food from the passing visitors.

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