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Press release announces Guiyang sub-forum details

By Li Yang ( chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2014-07-09

According to a press release from the Eco Forum Global Annual Conference Guiyang 2014 held on July 7, one of the eEco fForum’s significant sub forum-NGO and Business Roundtable will be held between 4:00pm and 4:30pn on July 11 in Guiyang, capital city of Guizhou province.

Five agendas will be discussed in this roundtable: the roles of NGOs in China's ecological civilization; the participation of NGOs in the decision making of environment protection, environment control, climate change and green development; the functions of NGOs to carry out environment education to raise the public concern of low carbon lifestyle and consumer behaviors; the role of NGOs in helping enterprises and financial institutions promote sustainable development; and the relationship between green supply chain, corporate responsibility and NGO's social supervision responsibility.

Regarding the importance of the sub-forum, Zhang Hai, director of the secretariat of the sub-forum, said: "Generally, the public considers NGOs an opposite party to enterprises, as do most enterprises. The roundtable will bring both parties together and provide them an open platform to communicate. Hopefully they can draw consensus to some degree and make efforts on environmental protection together in the near future."

Two achievements will be made in the sub-forum on July 11. The policy report on NGO functions in promoting China's ecological civilization construction will be written and the consensus between NGOs and enterprises on environmental protection will be drawn on that day.

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