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Guizhou deepens opening-up through CIIE

( eguizhou.gov.cn )

Updated: 2019-11-20

Since the beginning of this year, Southwest China's Guizhou province has signed 667 projects with a contract investment of 159.41 billion yuan ($22.65 billion) thanks to the China International Import Expo (CIIE), which is held in Shanghai annually.

As world's first national expo themed around imports, CIIE allows international companies to benefit from China's development, bolstering Guizhou's ability to attract foreign investment, as well as expanding foreign trade with other countries.

During the 2nd CIIE that closed recently, Guizhou invited 700 guests from 28 Fortune Global 500 companies, 172 powerful companies, and 23 well-known associations at the economic and trade exchange conference.

About 30 projects from the United States, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Spain, and South Korea covering the areas of equipment manufacturing, chemical industry, food, medicine, logistics, and environment protection were signed at the conference.

Guizhou also organized over 1,500 trade talks between purchasers and exhibitors during the CIIE, which helped to bring about 81 intended import contracts with a purchase amount of $1.41 billion, increasing by 156.4 percent from last year.

Guizhou will take the exchange conference as a chance to follow up the intended trade agreements and start the preparation for attending next year's CIIE, which will promote Guizhou's opening-up and allow the province to explore business opportunities from all over the world.

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