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Guizhou puts 143.1b yuan into water conservation

By Li Yang and Zeng Jun ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2013-11-04

Guizhou plans to invest a total of 143.1 billion yuan ($23.47 billion) into various water projects between 2013 and 2020.

By then, Guizhou's total water supply capacity will reach 16.98 billion cubic meters thanks to an irrigation project, water resource project and underground aquifer project.

"As rainfall is plentiful in Guizhou, the water resource project will make use of the natural resource advantages. It can preserve rain water and use it for farmland, household water and industrial water," said Li Ping, director of the Guizhou Water Conservancy Department.

The water projects will help expand Guizhou's effective irrigation area to 1.82 million hectares.

The problem of drinking water safety in rural areas will also be solved.

Flood control and drought relief measures will be strengthened, ensuring production and water for the public during dry years.

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