

Lanzhou city, a livable Yellow River city

Updated: 2016-09-21
By Li Xiaoxu ( )

Business in Lanzhou

Lanzhou is listed as a Top 10 Chinese city with the best investment climate and it has established a chamber of commerce for business development. The China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair, an annual event, has attracted great worldwide participation.

To boost trade and e-commerce, the city offers tax refunds to inbound tourists and has opened a free trade zone.

Read more

2015 China Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair

China-ROK industrial park breaks ground in Lanzhou

Gansu International Automobile Trade Fair inks 1.75b yuan of deals

Gansu holds forum on boosting Internet and new media development

Lanzhou holds papercut exhibition

Gansu accelerates cross-border e-commerce

Culture Science Integration Expo opens in Lanzhou

Gansu 2015 Car Trade Fair opens in Lanzhou

Environmentally-friendly city

Lanzhou has developed further air pollution controls since 2015, and has worked on wetland protection to create better conditions for the 553-hectare wetland section of the Yellow River in the city.

Foreigners in Lanzhou

Lanzhou is also an ideal city for people from different countries, many of whom have found career work and companionship in this charming place.

Read more

Foreigner starts up business in Lanzhou

Fell in love with Lanzhou girl and noodles

South Korea champion teaches taekwondo in Lanzou

Russian student pursues model dream in Lanzhou


Chongqing-Lanzhou high speed railway tunnel in Gansu completed

Lanzhou- Katmandu freight train takes its inaugural trip

Work complete on first stretch of subway under Yellow River

Three airlines add six routes to Lanzhou

Direct flight to connect Lanzhou and Bangkok

China opens cargo train service from Lanzhou city to Germany


Edited by Peter Nordlinger


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