Baishuiyang and Riyuetan pool shakes hands
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Updated: 2011-09-07
Gan Guobao, known as "the glory of Fujian province," is a significant cultural symbol of the relationship between Fujian and Taiwan.
"Historically, Gan Guobao strengthened the Cross-Straits relationship; today we jointly study the culture of Gan Guobao, so as to make contributions to peaceful Cross-Straits development. Baishuiyang and Riyuetan poll shall work together, study and pubilicize the culture of Gan Guobao, to promote mutual development and prosperity in economy and culture," Zhou Shengxiong, chairman of Taiwan Nantou Investment Association, said.
Wu Yirong, head of Pingnan county, exchanged presents with Zhou Shengxiong.
During the trip in Pingnan, Taiwan Nantou delegation team also visited Baishuiyang - Mandarin duck stream and took part in "8.18" walking race on mandarin duck boards during the 8th Baishuiyang Cultural Tourism Festival.
Riyuetan pool |
Riyuetan pool |
Riyuetan pool |