International patent disputes soar
“Australian Made” registered as a trademark in China
The patent dispute between Samsung and Apple was temporarily concluded with an award of 1.015 billion USD compensation to be paid to Apple.
Hadopi blamed for low efficiency
Recently China IP magazine was one of the first IP journals to cover a new IP trend in U.S. law.
Next year brand owners will need to decide if they want to protect and promote their brands by registering new domain names under one of the more than hundreds of new open domain name extensions such as .shop, .eco
When Julio Franco debuted in Major League Baseball in April 1982, he brought with him a solid shortstop's throwing arm, basestealing speed, and one of the most unusual batting stances ever seen in the profession.
Ukraine launches WTO dispute with Australia over tobacco packaging law
The Common wealth of Independent States (CIS) was established in 1991 as a regional organization with participating countries of the former Soviet Union (SU) and unites 11 states with a cumulative population of about 280 million.
The America Invents Act ("Act") is the most sweeping revision of U.S. patent law in 60 years and changes the patent system in several important ways