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The secret to keep skin beautiful


We strive to find the secret of life, and when we do, our lives are made easier. This is also true of keeping our skin beautiful.

“Since I set up the Anali Dana workshop 22 years ago, I have followed the natural law in the spirit of nature and health,” says Liu Lijun, the president of Analia Cosmetic Group. “Surprisingly, I find a harmonious and natural way to maintain beautiful skin is through the creation of cosmetic brands such as Nailiao (milk care), Midao (rice-originated skincare) and Chamu (tea-originated skincare).”

“Milk symbolizes the origin of life; Rice represents the strength of growth; the charm of tea symbolizes the spirit of human beings. The above-mentioned three things are the essence of heaven, earth, and people. It’s accidental and delighted for me to find the combination of them.” Liu stated

All women like the smell of milk; rice makes us feel at ease; tea is a kind of sublimation of spirit. But, a lot of people try to maintain their youth by plastic surgery at a huge cost. Beauty and charm stem from natural nourishment and a state of mind.

“When I was a child, I always drank my dad’s tea. I was so obsessed with tea that I would never give my tea to others as a gift,” Liu recalled. “I have been studying how to apply tea into skin care. In 2004, I registered the trademark “Chamu (in Chinese pronuciation)”. Later, I learnt something about tea extraction from one of my friends who engages in fine chemical research in South Korea. I grouped a team to do the research and develop the Chamu products.”

Tea, rice and milk, the essence of heaven and earth, offers energy and wisdom to us.

The official website of CHAMU:the URL of the website of China Daily The hotline of CHAMU:400-608-6838

Written by Liu Lijun

Translated by Zhang Yuan