Yan Jiehe


Yan Jiehe
Yan Jiehe, Founder of China Pacific Construction Group.
Yan Jiehe, Founder of China Pacific Construction Group

CEO and Chairman of China Huatuo CEO Forum Group, Zhenghe Fleet International Capital Group, Huayang Constructional Development Company and Chief Editor of the “New Analects of Confucius”

Yan Jiehe was born in Huaian, Jiangsu province in 1960. He has rich life experiences as a teacher, leader of commerce and head of different companies. He has helped hundreds of companies achieve success. He has acquired and restructured tens of bankrupted State-owned companies spanning 10 or more different industries. He has numerous awards and honors, including the Top Ten Figures in Chinese Economic News, Top Ten Chinese CEOs, and Top Ten Chinese leaders in Business Pioneering.

Yan Jiehe
The Pacific Construction Group is holding the Huatuo CEO Forum.
The Pacific Construction Group

The Pacific Construction Group was founded in 1995 and has a core business which includes infrastructure investment and construction. It also has multiple businesses in mechanical engineering, new materials, wine-making and real estate. It is the only private enterprise in China qualified to build national highways, city infrastructure and water conservancy facilities as the chief contractor.

The group aims to make profits while shouldering corporate social responsibilities. Its management philosophy utilizes the modern corporate system, special industrial advantages and an innovative corporate culture to realize rapid growth. The group has won many honors such as Outstanding Chinese Private Enterprise and Enterprise with an Advanced Corporate Culture. It is among the top ten private Chinese enterprises and top 50 large-scale Chinese enterprises.

Related readings:
Yan Jiehe Li Dongsheng
Yan Jiehe Yu Kwok Chun
Yan Jiehe Shan Sheng
Yan Jiehe Charles Yeung

Yan Jiehe Tin Ka Ping

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