SCL goes into service in Hong Kong

Updated: 2017-03-17

The first train ran through the Sha Tin to Central Link (SCL) on March 12, reaching 130 kilometers per hour. It took the train only 16 minutes to cover the total 11.4 kilometer distance.

The SCL is one of the most important underground lines of MTR Corporate and is also the fourth project CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co Ltd has participated in in Hong Kong.

SCL goes into service in Hong Kong

Hong Kong residents on the SCL train. [Photo provided to]

The current line under operation starts from Tai Wai Station in Sha Tin District, calls at some public neighborhoods built by government including Jat Min Chuen and Pok Hong Estate, the Prince of Wales Hospital and Shek Mun Station, and finally arrives at Wu Kai Sha in Ma On Shan Town.

The remaining part of the SCL is still under construction.

SCL goes into service in Hong Kong

The SCL train calls at a station. [Photo provided to]

It took workers ten months to finish the first phase of the line and the train has now passed a 600 kilometer security test. Changchun Railway will continue to support the line's development and operation to guarantee safe travel for Hong Kong residents.

SCL goes into service in Hong Kong

The SCL train terminates at Wu Kai Sha in Ma On Shan Town. [Photo provided to]
