Spirit of the Jilin merchants needs local culture and customs

Update: 2016-07-19

Jin Lei, an associate professor at Peking University with a PhD in biotechnology, came to Jilin and carried his biotechnology skills and entrepreneurship dream 20 years ago. The adventure gave him a new title: the general manager of GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Co.

"I came from Jiangxi province, but Jilin is my second hometown. I visited Jilin right after I returned from abroad in 1995 and then established plant in Changchun," Jin said.

Jin came across many locals from various fields in the process of starting up his business, especially Jilin merchants. Therefore, Jin believes the spirit of the Jilin merchant can't do without local culture and customs.

Jilin has a profound history in education and science, and local officials, ordinary people and Jilin merchants have displayed a higher level of education and knowledge than other regions, and therefore, local culture runs deeper".

Spirit of the Jilin merchants needs local culture and customs

Jin Lei, general manager of Jilin GeneScience Pharmaceuticals Co.[Photo/chinajilin.com.cn]

In his opinion, Jilin merchant spirit can be summed up as logical and perseverant.

"I study biotechnology and my business falls into the high-tech category," Jin said. "I originally wanted to work with others in the Pearl River Delta where economy was well developed, but an accidental contact with Jilin merchants made me realize their profound state of mind and technology. My enterprise's rising and leadership status is the best proof." Jilin merchants paid more attention to industry development as compared with their counterparts in the south. Jilin will hold the first global Jilin merchant meeting in July. Jin believes the meeting will be of great significance and can bring all Jilin merchants together and help them share resources, entrepreneurial ideas and future development vision. The superior soft environment will certainly produce more cooperation with mutually beneficial results. "Planning business with a globalization vision is the most important," Jin said.

Jin said the internet has predominated social development and its best advantage is realizing a flat world, where information exchanges are easier, and boosting rapid internet economy development. Jin said Jilin will take similar opportunities in future, and use the meeting to get better integrated in Jilin merchant culture. In addition to high-tech support, management ideas and operations are more important in business development. "My success mainly comes from two sides. First, acquired learning. Second, value of Jilin merchants," Jin said.

He said the Jilin merchants' special spirit has enabled him to spurn the philosophy that once products pass muster, sales will go brisk itself.

