People will reproach you for your silences and exacerbated taste for secrecy, so try to be more open. You'll get out of an extremely difficult situation at work. Your generosity will make you feel resentful if you distribute your money without discernment. Don't let your friends abuse your largesse. This astral ambiance will endow you with increased physical vitality, but it can also be the cause of a strong interior tension. Be cautious in your movements.

All practical steps will be facilitated. You'll get highly placed support, a prestigious appointment, an honorary distinction or increased responsibilities. You'll succeed in expressing your sentiments, provoking a favorable evolution of your relationship with loved ones. Watch out for tendencies towards overconsumption of medicines or food.

Keep a close watch on your foods; they'll give you a slim figure and favor a better function of your liver if they're low in fats. Communicate more with others and try to go beyond your daily concerns if you want to have a little more happiness. It'll be a difficult day at work, so have patience. Be on the lookout for good business deals; you can also carry out fruitful long-term investments. Heartwise, beware of disappointments due to your illusions.
It's an ideal day to begin an exercise program or create reasonable eating habits. Try to carry out your hopes with conscious and well-directed action. The moment will be favorable to get your relationships in shape, especially regarding your children. Luck will smile upon you in your operations and transactions. You'll decide to tackle the management of your family finances and you'll find speedy solutions to your problems.