Daily Overview for October 15, 2009
Avoid giving in to all the whims of your children; if you're not firm with them, they'll be the first to suffer from it. Heartwise, beware of temptations and redouble your vigilance! Beware of scams that may try to take money from you. Make peace with an unscrupulous neighbor. Tonicity and dynamism will be present; your natural defenses will function particularly well and will allow you to resist infections efficiently.

Avoid all occasions of edginess and adopt a more leisurely life tempo. You'll risk coming up against members of your professional circle regarding an important decision. One of your children may cause you much trouble if you don't do all that's necessary to immediately stop their misdeeds. Beware of excessive benevolence and indulgence toward others and yourself.
It's an ideal day for carrying out delicate moves, presenting requests and soliciting support. A small dispute will put you in opposition with one of your neighbors; try to solve the problem amicably. At work, you'll make excellent decisions and you'll brilliantly manage your business. Be sure that your children are up-to-date in their vaccinations.
You'll be tremendously efficient on several fronts with a certain tendency to believe that the end justifies the means. Your sentimental life may undergo a change, if not an upheaval. Refrain from disputes with your nearest and dearest to avoid worsening an already tense situation. Don't worry when moments of euphoria alternate with periods of discouragement.