If every day were like today you just might rule the world. Bold experimentation is called for and you're up for the challenge. Wild and untested ideas have likely been bouncing around in your head, just waiting to be unleashed into the world on an occasion such as this. Prepare for an unusual expedition.

Ideas are likely to be flowing freely today, so if any aspect of your life is unsatisfactory, it's a good day to brainstorm new approaches. Of course, saving for a rainy day is almost always a good bet. Find a way to merge your sharp intellect and personal style today. The result should be pure elegance you can replicate as a signature look.

Your polar opposite, the Rat, rules this day. Like Opposite Day observed by schoolchildren, the effect may be topsy turvy. The rules have shifted and tactics that normally work for you may backfire. This doesn't have to be catastrophic. It could even be instructive if you swallow your pride enough to take a cue from an enemy. The best approach is to submit to obligation, use caution, and keep your own counsel.
A change in relationship status could be imminent. For singles, a new love is likely at your doorstep. Those who are attached could experience heartbreak or a period of separation. It's probably not the best day to start long term projects at work. More changes could be in the making, so start planning your next move. You might win an unexpected prize today.