Daily Overview for June 12, 2009
Today is the beginning of a new cycle for you and thus a good day for fresh undertakings. You could unwittingly begin an important new friendship with a rival or competitor when you discover you share much in common. Your travel plans may include a destination that raises some eyebrows and allows for unusual recreation activities.

This could be the apex of an overwhelming period for you. You're willing to exhaust yourself to see your responsibilities through. Sometimes it's too much for just one person! Rather than work yourself into illness, prioritize projects that have an end in sight so you can finally get them off your plate. The long term jobs will still be there.
It could be a frustrating day if you long to take decisive action; too many circumstances may hold you back. You might find you need group consensus to get something done, which of course will lead to delays. Be patient with young people who lack your experience; it's their nature to rebel, but they are learning from you.
Frugality is likely to be rewarded today. Clipping coupons or shopping the outlets may not be your cup of tea. But there are unexpected treasures to be found in the bargain bin. This could also be true for larger purchases. You may feel an uneasiness you can't quite define. Pick up a scarf and cheap sunglasses to survey the terrain incognito.