JC", also known as Jackie Chan, has been looking to his legacy. The actor, 55 on Saturday, has been hawking the idea of a museum dedicated to himself for the past 10 years, to Hong Kong's big wigs. But despite being a spokesman and tourism ambassador for the HK government, he apparently felt he has repeatedly been given the cold shoulder.

Ever resourceful, Chan decided to go elsewhere and it looks like Shanghai will have the honor of further glorifying the Drunken Master. Singapore's Straits Times confirmed earlier this week that JC would be donating one of his historic sandalwood houses (apparently he has five) to the "Paris of the East", which will complete his museum in October.

According to an AFP report, Singapore has also agreed to accept three or four houses, costumes and props for a museum there. Not to be outdone, the South China Morning Post reported HK's big wigs had in fact proposed two sites for Chan's antique houses, but he rejected them. Other news stories claim there will be a "Cheng Long" museum in Beijing, too. Either way, it looks as if there are going to be a lot of monuments to the grand old man of kung fu films.
Another of Hongkers' famous sons, Bruce Lee, who died in 1973, still does not have a museum in his hometown and the government only agreed to erect a bronze statue of the action hero in 2005. What is the problem here?