
Dental photos reveal the awful tooth

By Liu Bian ( China Daily ) Updated: 2008-04-01 08:55:07

Huan Zi shakes her head till it spins. Such horrible pictures should be kept within the austere boundaries of the hospital. It would be insane for the teeth's owner to keep them at home and scare herself.

As she walks out of the hospital, Huan Zi finds the dentist's idea quite applicable to the humdrum of daily life. It seems everyone has got a digital camera these days. It's easy to set up a personal file in the computer, and there's no extra cost except for sacrificing a little cyber space.

For example, why can't we take a picture of our fingers every week? That way we'll detect any changes in the coloring and shapes of the fingernails. We'll immediately know something is wrong if the nails go gray and dark. Possibly one is already suffering from anemia or at least malnutrition. Then it's time to change one's diet.

And of course, some inventive expectant mothers have already taken the cameras into their own hands and zoom in on their growing bellies for a precious record.

As for her teeth, well, it's wise to leave the photos for the audacious dentists.

Beijing Youth Daily contributed to the story

(China Daily 04/01/2008 page20)

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