2014巴西世界杯 > 精选双语球评



2014-06-25 13:53:45





What the local media say


"'This could have been more than perfect,' Didier Deschamps, the French coach, told the cameras after the game. He suggested he was not happy that his team had conceded two late goals. 'We were up against a good team and to score five goals and win 5:2, it was a very good evening. Six points after two matches is ideal. We have to wait for the next match but we have a good goal difference and the next match will decide first and second place.'" - France 24.


"Meanwhile, the captain of the Ecuadorian team, Antonio Valencia, has warned of the danger that France pose and stated that any team that has technical (manager) Deschamps is dangerous. 'France can harm you with three choices in one day. It will change your way of playing and thinking. We have to be very focused,' said the Manchester United player. 'We hope to all reach the game in good shape for tomorrow.'" - El Tiempo.

厄瓜多尔《时代报》:厄瓜多尔队长安东尼奥·瓦伦西亚(Antonio Valencia)已经发出警告,让队友们准备好应对法国队的威胁。他还说,任何球队有德尚这样的技术型教练都是危险的。“法国队一天之内会有三种打击你的选择。这会改变你踢球和思考的方式。我们必须非常专注于比赛,”这位曼联球员说,“我们希望所有的队员在明天的比赛中都能展现出良好的状态。”

Key battle: Frickson Erazo vs Olivier Giroud


Against Switzerland, the striker showed the sort of form that Arsenal fans had been hoping to see more of last season - a display of aggression and smarts; Giroud scored one and set up another in the 5-2 rout. "Olivier was extraordinary," says Karim Benzema. "He scored and created a lot." He even managed to hospitalise Steve von Bergen having accidentally booted the defender in the face.

在与瑞士队的比赛中,吉鲁展现出了阿森纳球迷在上赛季一直希望看到的良好状态——踢得既有侵略性又有灵性。在这场5-2的大胜中,吉鲁打进一球并参与了另一个进球。本泽马说:“吉鲁真是了不起。他不仅打进一球,还制造了许多机会。”吉鲁甚至不小心踢到了冯贝尔根(Steve von Bergen)的脸上,把他送进了医院。

"Big Mistake": that's Erazo's nickname (<<"Erraço">>) among the fans of his home club Flamengo, though his defensive partner Jorge Guagua is hardly a rock of reliability. Against these two, France could prosper.

“大错误”,这是埃拉索(Frickson Erazo)所在俱乐部弗拉门戈队球迷给他取的绰号,尽管他的防守搭档瓜瓜(Jorge Guagua)也不太靠谱。面对这样两个后卫,法国队可能顺利过关。

Facts and figures


•France haven’t lost any of their last 6 games against South American teams at World Cup (W3 D3).

•Ecuador have managed 8 shots on target at the 2014 World Cup so far and Enner Valencia has attempted half of these (4). He’s attempted 6 shots at goal, no other Ecuador player has managed more than 3.

•This will be the second ever meeting between these sides.

• 在最近6场对阵南美球队的世界杯比赛中,法国队还未曾输球(胜3场、平3场)。

• 厄瓜多尔在本届世界杯上共有8次射门射在门框范围之内,其中一半出自瓦伦西亚(4次)。他共完成了6次射门,其他的厄瓜多尔球员射门次数都没有超过3次。

• 这将是两支球队第二次交手。

FourFourTwo prediction


The French to win at a canter. 3-1.


(译者 非石头 编辑 齐磊)



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