2014巴西世界杯 > 世界大报FIFA版



2014-06-18 13:34:10




Algeria opened the scoring in their match against heavily favored Belgium with a Sofiane Feghouli penalty in the 24th minute before Belgium came back to win 2-1. After sealing the unexpected lead, Feghouli and several of his teammates ran to the corner flag and celebrated by kneeling down together.

据雅虎体育6月18日报道,在阿尔及利亚对小组种子队比利时的比赛开场24分钟时,阿尔及利亚的费古力 (Sofiane Feghouli)凭借点球助阿尔及利亚领先。尽管最后比利时以2:1追回赢得比赛。在赢得这个出乎意料的领先后,费古力以及他的队友跑到了球场角落的国旗下,双膝跪地以示庆祝。

The subdued celebration contrasts with the dances and general craziness we've seen from others at the World Cup, but it's been a customary goal celebration for Muslim players, like the Algerians, for some time now.


What they did was a Sujud — a prayer position in which the forehead, nose, hands, knees and toes all touch the ground — which delighted Muslim fans on social media. Chelsea's Demba Ba is a well known practitioner of the Sujud as a goal celebration and it was even added to FIFA 14...

他们所做的其实就是跪拜——是一种祈祷的方式,当祈祷时,你的前额,鼻子,双手,膝盖和脚趾都必须紧贴大地——这种庆祝方式让社交网络上的穆斯林球迷感到非常高兴。切尔西队的登巴巴(Demba Ba)是这种进球庆祝方式——跪拜——的知名践行者。他的这种跪拜方式甚至被加入FIFA14这一足球游戏中。

BBC pundit and former England player Gary Lineker had to apologize in 2012 when he described a similar goal celebration by joking that the players involved "ate grass." Lineker later said, "I'm sorry but I'm not aware of every player's religion."


Maybe now that it's been done at the World Cup, the increased exposure will help prevent others from making a similar mistake.


(译者 dulisa27 编辑 齐磊)




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