2014巴西世界杯 > China Daily独家



2014-06-16 15:56:03





This month, nearly a billion people, including millions of Americans, will tune in to the world’s most popular sporting event, the World Cup. This will be an opportunity for President Obama give a boost to the sport at home — and work a bit of soft power diplomacy abroad.


Obama is a soccer dad. Both of his daughters, Malia and Sasha, have played soccer, and Obama has cheered them from the sidelines. On official tour in Japan this April, Obama played soccer against a Japanese robot. In an interview with Univision Deportes, the president commented, “We did quite well in South Africa. I think we’ll do well in Brazil, although the US is in a really tough bracket.”


Political leaders have often used athletics for political and diplomatic, sometimes with good results. The World Cup in Brazil offers Obama an interesting set of choices, not without some risks.


Even filling out a bracket, as he has with NCAA basketball tournaments, could yield benefits. He might predict, somewhat with tongue in cheek, that the US will fell mighty Germany and end up in the finals against host country Brazil. US-Brazil relations have hit a bumpy patch, especially after revelations that the National Security Agency had listened in on conversations of Brazilian leaders. The World Cup offers Obama the opportunity to engage the host country on the terrain of sports, and repair a bit of the damage — without interjecting the United States into Brazilian domestic politics.


President Obama has already announced that Vice President Joe Biden will lead the official US delegation to the World Cup. Obama seems intent on honoring the host country with his choices. We think that he should up the game and add First Lady Michelle Obama to the group, and select a number of women soccer players such as Mia Hamm and Julie Foudy, both inductees into the National Soccer Hall of Fame, to accompany Biden and Michelle to Brazil. He would be signaling the importance of soccer in America’s athletic future, while showing that female athletes should be as highly respected as their male counterparts. The women’s US soccer team has won the World Cup twice, and soccer has become one of the most popular sports with young US women.

奥巴马已经宣布副总统拜登将带领美国代表团出席世界杯。奥巴马这一举措,我们可以看出他十分尊重巴西政府。我们认为他应该更加看重这次比赛,让第一夫人米歇尔也加入代表队中,并选入几名女性球员,像是进入了美国国家足球名人堂的米娅·哈姆(Mia Hamm)和朱莉·福迪(Julie Foudy),让她们与拜登和米歇尔一同赶赴巴西。他应该注意到足球在美国未来体育的重要性,同时认识到女性运动员应当受到与男性运动员相同的尊重。美国女子足球队赢得过两次世界杯冠军,足球越来越受到年轻女性的喜爱。

While the number of young boys and girls playing soccer has grown dramatically since the 1990s — it’s the fastest growing sport in the United States — in order to compete at the highest level internationally, more young and talented athletes need to opt for soccer when making early choices about what sports to participate in.


During the World Cup, President Obama will have significant opportunity to promote soccer at home, while also reaching out to Brazil and most importantly to the world. It’s a sports diplomacy moment that he should seize.


(译者 孙喆 编辑 齐磊)

标签: 世界杯 iNews


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