2014巴西世界杯 > 世界大报FIFA版

雅虎体育:不甘寂寞 宇航员失重状态下踢足球


2014-06-15 11:44:06




Astronauts aboard the International Space Station recently showed their talents with the ball, getting into the "out-of-this-World-Cup" spirit. American astronauts Reid Wiseman and Steve Swanson joined German astronaut Alexander Gerst in saluting the world's soccer players 230 miles above the pitches in Brazil before creating a zero-gravity pitch of their own in outer space.

据雅虎体育网6月15日报道,近来,身处国际空间站的宇航员们展示了自己在足球方面的天赋。在巴西世界杯球场上空230英里的地方,美国宇航员里德·怀斯曼(Reid Wiseman)与史蒂夫·斯旺森(Steve Swanson)携德国宇航员亚历山大·格斯特( Alexander Gerst )在外太空创建了一个属于他们自己的零重力球场。

FIFA president Sepp Blatter wondered this week if the World Cup might one day be played on another planet, so perhaps this is a taste of mistakes yet to come from the game's governing body.


There are currently six astronauts aboard the space station: three Russians, two Americans and one German. NASA says the crew will be able to watch the matches, including the U.S. versus Germany on June 26, aboard the space station.


Here are some GIFs of the action:

雅虎体育:不甘寂寞 宇航员失重状态下踢足球

雅虎体育:不甘寂寞 宇航员失重状态下踢足球

雅虎体育:不甘寂寞 宇航员失重状态下踢足球

(译者 小爱Tiana 编辑 齐磊)

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