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Twelve ways to prevent burnout
Wendy  Updated: 2004-05-26 09:54

The following are based on just a few of the suggestions offered by a
clinical specialist in mental-health nursing.

1. Be in control of your thoughts, feelings, and behavior-prayer is a great

2. When you start to worry, deliberately change over to useful, decisive

3. When agitated, take a deep breath and consciously relax.

4. Try to see situations from the other person's viewpoint to understand
how the stress has developed.

5. Focus on what you appreciate in others and compliment them. Express not
flattery but earned praise.

6. Identify and stifle negative, destructive thinking.

7. Know how to say no when your energy and schedule call for it.

8. Engage in some physical exercise every day-brisk walking is good.

9. Treat others with respect, seeking to bring out their best.

10. Keep a sense of humor and a twinkle in your eye.

11. Leave your work problems at the workplace.

12. Do today what must be done-don't procrastinate.


The above content represents the view of the author only.
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