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Poor farmers need their voice heard. People need a press of their own!
Wendy  Updated: 2004-01-19 20:23

I have seen so many poor people in my lives, they are tame and sufferring in silence. They are being bullied and they tried to explain their pain to others, but the local police and government officials "join hands" to threaten them and teach them a lesson until they accept their fate and keep sillent.......

Only very few farmers can use computer and internet, but even the small number farmers' posts have been deleted or are going to be deleted........nobody can speak for them.........

I want to convey some of their message to people but I think I will be silenced by invisible hands very soon also...maybe tomorrow...maybe two days later.....

Sigh......people badly need a press of their own.............those poor and disadvantaged people badly need the society's support and compassion especially those educated people's help.....our indifference will lead to more miseries to their lives......Our indifference and selfishness will gradually lead to the complete loss of our own morals, freedom of thinking, speaking and writing.....

If you don't want yourself to be beaten to death like Sun Zhigang,
If you don't want your mother to be knocked to death by Su in her BMW,
If you don't want our farmers to set fire to themselves because of injustice,
If you don't want more mishap,
If you don't want the C.orruption to continue to suck bloods from our country and her people,
Stay on the side of people, stay with our hospitable, hardworking, kind-hearted and painstaking people!!!

We musn't be indifferent to the tame and miserable disadvantaged people any more!! Helping themselves is helping ourselves. We can't tolerate they being bullied, threatened and silenced anymore.......If we don't struggle for the freedom of speaking, thinking and writing, tomorrow's victims will be ourselves!!!

The above content represents the view of the author only.
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