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Yi Lianhong hopeful on Changsha county’s course of further advancement of 'Four Comprehensives'

2015-03-12 08:44:57
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Yi Lianhong, the Party chief of Changsha city, said that Changsha county, a district of the city, should proudly carry on maintaining its title as the No. 1 county in economic strength in central and western China over the course of further advancement of the "Four Comprehensives".

The top leader of Hunan's provincial capital city made these remarks during an economic and social development inspection in the county on March 9.

The "Four Comprehensives", referring to the building of an overall well-off society, conducting deepening reforms, establishing the rule of law, and governing the Party in a stricter manner, all comprehensively, are the strategic roadmap mapped out by Chinese President Xi Jinping, as an overall framework for China's future administration and development.

Yi hopes that the county could show its style as the top county in central and western China in five aspects, namely, economic transformation and upgrading, rural and urban development, overall deepening reform, the building of overall well-off society, and governing the Party in a stricter manner.
Changsha county, which was ranked 65th in 2004 and 13th in 2013, first ascended to the top 10 on the China Top 100 Economic and Competitive Counties list in 2014.

It has reached the top among counties of central and western China for seven successive years, holding the regional lead title.

What lies behind Changsha county's fast economic rise is its sustainable development strategy in which the south is industry-oriented while the north is driven by agricultural sector. Another contributing factor is its endeavor for a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society. Besides, the county attaches importance to projects and programs that aim to derive 90 percent of its industrial output from 1 percent of its land.

Amid a complex economic context in recent years, Changsha county remains focused on its domestic industries in its development, completing dozens of major projects. Two industrial clusters of mechanical engineering and automobile parts have been set up, and the electronic information industry also grows rapidly.

It is also the first national ecological county in Hunan province.

编辑:张少虎 标签: Changsha Four Comprehensives
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