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Changsha Evening News to pose public questions concerning livelihood issues to the Party chiefs

2015-03-10 09:24:33
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Changsha Evening News is calling for local residents in Changsha to voice their problems concerning livelihood issues such as education, employment, and health care in a wide-ranging public campaign.

The local paper is planning a series of interviews with the Party chiefs of all the nine districts in the city, during which it will pose the problems voiced by the residents to the leaders and ask how they would resolve them.

Readers can put forward their questions and problems through the official WeChat or micro blog account by Changsha Evening News.

The year 2015 is supposed to be the closing year for the Twelfth Five-Year-Plan (2011-15), the critical period for intensifying overall deepened reform, and the opening year for all-round advancement of the rule of law.

Under this context, reporters from the newspaper will have face-to-face talks with the Party chiefs of all the nine districts (counties, and sub-cities) and learn about their plans and measures in industrial upgrading, urban management and improving people's livelihood to draw up a blueprint for the city's overall development in 2015.

编辑:张少虎 标签: questions livelihood issues
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