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Per capita disposable income in Changsha county up 9.7 percent compared with the same period last year

2015-03-05 14:40:05
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The per capita disposable income in Changsha county reached 33,513 yuan ($5,359) in 2014, up 9.7percent compared with the same period last year, according to the data released by the statistics bureau of Changsha county.

The bureau conducted an inquiry on 119 families. Survey result suggests that the wages make up 71 percent of the disposable income, while net property incomes such as house rent and the dividends accounts for 22 percent of the total, making it the second largest source of income in the county, a sub-district of Changsha city, the provincial capital of Hunan province.

The disposable income of the county increased by 12,414 yuan in the past five years, representing a substantial increase compared with that in 2010, which was 21,099 yuan. The growth rate is higher than that of the gross domestic product(GDP)and the consumer price index(CPI).

In addition, the disposable income also sees rapid rise in Changsha city, reaching 36,826 yuan, slightly higher than that in Changsha county.

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that Hunan's per capita disposable income is 26,570 yuan, ranking the 11th among 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). Shanghai tops the list, hitting 47,710 yuan in 2014. It is followed by Beijing and Zhejiang province, reaching 43,910 yuan and 40,393 yuan respectively.

编辑:张少虎 标签: per capita rise
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