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The canola flowers in Changsha county attract many residents and tourists to fields and parks

2015-03-03 13:56:05 来源:http://en.changsha.gov.cn/news/Local/201503/t20150302_697772.html
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The canola flowers (rape flower) in Kaihui town, Changsha county, blossomed prematurely this year, attracting many residents and tourists to fields and parks to enjoy the eye-catching scenery.

The canola garden in the town, covering an area of over 200 mu (13.33 hectares), was created by Hunan Colorful Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company. The visitor number has recently jumped by 20 percent, said Min Jun, the principal of the company.

The canola flowers, also known as rape flower, cover an area of 125,000 mu throughout the Changsha county, mainly scattered around in such towns as Jiangbei, Chunhua, Jinjing and Kaihui.

Tips for tourists:

-Please take care and don’t step on the flowers when you visit the gardens and take photos.

-The blossom will lure many honey-making bees. So, watch out for them and wear proper protective clothes just in case.

编辑:张少虎 标签: Changsha county canola flowers
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