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Vehicles without the green environmental labelling restricted to pass at Wuyi Avenue since Mar 1

2015-03-02 14:00:40 来源:http://en.changsha.gov.cn/news/Local/201503/t20150301_697603.html
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Yesterday, Changsha Government released the Announcement with Respect to Measures on Restricting Passage of the Motor Vehicles without Green Environmental Labelling (hereinafter referred to as the Announcement). Since the first day of March, the motor vehicles with no green environmental labelling are prohibited to pass from the Xiangjiang River Orange Island Bridge East, Wuyi Avenue to the middle of the Station Road. Anyone against the rules will be investigated and treated lawfully by the traffic administrative department of the public security organ.

It is reported that areas of restricted passage cover the road section from the Xiangjiang River Orange Island Bridge East, Wuyi Avenue to the middle of the Station Road. Objects prohibited include the motor vehicles that do not hold or paste green environmental labelling. While the military vehicles, police van, fire engine, ambulance, and wrecker are unrestricted when carrying out emergency tasks.

“Vehicle emission pollution is one of the main causes of the haze. 25 percent of the component content of PM 2.5 comes from vehicle emission.” According to the related principal of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, car owners who do not get the environmental labelling should get one nearby as soon as possible. Now, Changsha has set up 46 symbol service windows, including 19 monitoring stations, 10 government affair halls, eight 4s stores and central integrated points, for approving and issuing the labelling in 9 districts and counties (cities).

Large-scale enterprises units, communities and groups can contact the Changsha Monitoring Center for Motor Vehicle Emission Pollution, getting the labelling via the means of telephone appointment and door-to-door service. TEL:85524937.

编辑:张少虎 标签: vehicles passage restricted
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