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Changsha will enter its busiest ever period of metro construction in 2015

2015-03-01 14:15:32 来源:http://en.changsha.gov.cn/news/Local/201502/t20150227_697332.html
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This year, Changsha will enter its busiest ever period of metro construction with five metro lines under simultaneous construction in the city.

Changsha's Metro Line 3 will complete the construction of the main structures in each subway station. At present, among the construction of 25 subway stations, 13 are constructing the main body such as the Yanghu Park Station, Qingshui Road Station and Changsha University Station; four stations are undertaking the construction of traffic reconciliation such as the Yingpan East Road Station and Deya Road Station; and seven are going through relevant procedures for the preliminary work.

The West Extension Line of Metro Line 2 has almost finished its main skeletal construction and is moving on to mechanical and electrical equipment construction. With a total length of 4.6 kilometers, the line includes the four stations of Meixi Lake West Station, Luyun Road Station, Culture and Art Center Station, and Meixi Lake East Station.

According to Sun Weibing, chief engineer of the mechanical and electrical equipment installation project of the West Extension Line of Metro Line 2, the plant engineering will be completed in August. The joint debugging and integration test will begin in September, and the pilot run will start in December.

编辑:张少虎 标签: Changsha metro construction
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