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Public security dept in Changsha to enhance its online service by building an "on-line bureau"

2015-02-10 09:14:25 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Residents in Changsha can address issues concerning traffic violation and passport application at home, online, in the near future.

The public security bureau of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, stated its annual work plan in a municipal public security conference held on Feb 6.

It will comprehensively carry forward nine reform missions in 2015, including aspects of anti-terrorism, work of foundation and grassroots, traffic control, fire fighting, window service, and mechanism for mediating and settling conflicts and disputes.

Sources from the conference said that Changsha public security department seeks to build an "on-line bureau" by extending its window services to the Internet, based on the needs of residents as well as legal permission.

Services to be offered online include those related to traffic management, outbound travels, registered permanent residence, identity card and residence permit.

"We are trying to transfer more data to the Internet and offer more high-quality services online, so that there will be less legwork for peope (in dealing with these matters)," said Tang Xiangyang, vice mayor of Changsha and head of the municipal public security bureau.

编辑:张少虎 标签: online services
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