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Changsha women's federation, public security and county court build against family violence system

2015-02-09 09:59:14 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Women will never suffer family violence without saying one word. Some institutions and organizations such as Local Community, Women's Federation, Public Security and County Court are building a system to cover them with an protective blanket in the whole city.

The system started to build in June, 2014. It used Liuyang and Kaifu (two cities in Changsha) and other 10 cities as pilot projects. Li Wanfeng, the vice director of Right Department of City Women's Federation, explained how the system works. When family violence happening, victims can use this system to turn to related departments for help, and we will handle it immediately.

Now, we have controlled the families that could cause a great danger after family violence in Liuyang, and we have the ability to solve the problems at the first time. This kind of system have already been accepted and could be operated in the whole country. And in Kaifu, we measure the danger of family violence into 3 level, village level, town level and district level. The different level has different method to deal with problems.

"We organized groups to help the victims suffering from family violence. We fix their psychological problems after suffering the violence, help the to rebuild the confidence to have a happy life, and teach them how to fight for their rights," said by Dai Jiajia, the group leader. And we know from victims that it really helps them a lot.

And we also know from Women's Federation that they are planning to create another kind of group with experts and volunteers to deal with the perpetrators. This will finish in this year.

编辑:张少虎 标签: family violence women protection
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