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Changsha county plans to add 3,997 residential units in 2015

2015-01-21 14:08:46 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Changsha county in Hunan province plans to build 3,997 public rental housing units in 2015, for the needs of local residents with housing difficulties. It has 25 public rental housing projects approved so far, according to the local housing security bureau.

A principal of the bureau said that Changsha county had built 1,650 housing units in 2014, and the target of 3,997 in 2015 means an increase of 142 percent over last year.

The 25 projects, seven of which have started construction, are mainly oriented for low- and middle-income households, migrant workers and college graduates.

The county will put aside 145 million yuan ($23.36 million) for two governmental repurchasing projects, mainly for low- and middle-income households, raising a total amount of 1,466 units.

In addition, the county will open 19 housing projects for teachers and medical staff in remote areas, including 507 units for countryside teachers and 193 units for village medical staff. Most of the projects are planned to start construction in the first half of 2015 and be completed by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, another 1,831 units from four projects, including the Langli Housing (third phase) and Ganshan Housing (first phase), have been planned for migrant workers.

编辑:张少虎 标签: Changsha county public rental housing units
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