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Changsha has first flower arrangements exhibition

2015-01-19 17:27:58 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Changsha city in Hunan province recently held its first exhibition of flower arrangements in the Keke Agriculture Dream Works, Wangcheng district.

The exhibition, with the theme of "happiness blooming like flowers", covered a series of activities such as a vegetable fashion show, flower arrangement appreciation, and sightseeing garden tour. Li Shiqiu, vice mayor of Changsha, attended the event.

The Keke Agriculture Dream Works, located in the Wangcheng vegetable industry demonstration area, is a modern agriculture park integrated with vegetable production, research and development, marketing, delivery, experience, and demonstrations.

It is also an important support program of the world leisure agriculture and rural tourism cities federation (the Xiangjiang Forum).

The first phase of the project, a "vegetable forest" of 5,000 square meters, was opened in 2013. Last year, pavilions of the Children's Science Education, Creative Urban Agriculture, and a Pepper Museum were successively completed.

The Keke Agriculture Dream Works is planned to be built into the largest agriculture-themed park, featuring soilless culture, in Hunan province.

编辑:张少虎 标签: flower arrangement Changsha
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