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Dinosaurs "attack" Yanghu Wetland Park in Changsha

2015-01-19 14:05:44 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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An ecological science exhibition of dinosaurs themed on "Pay attention to dinosaurs, protect the Earth" was held on the great lawn of Yanghu Wetland Park phase 2 project.

This exhibition is open to display on 8:00am to 5:00pm everyday till March 6.

27 kinds of dinosaurs on this exhibition are made from anthropomorphic materials, including Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops,Great Back Dinosaurs, Ankvlosaurus and Quetzalcotlus,which are all main representations in Age of Dinosaur. Among those models, Diplodocus is the largest one with a length of 15 meters, located in the middle of the lawn. It will bellow, shake its head and tail, or even raise its limbs when tourists get close to it.

The host said that this exhibition is aimed at popularising knowledge of dinosaurs, especially wising children's up to the shifting of the nature world and the importance of environmental protecion.

There will be a sea lion live show on January 25, starting from today, at 10:00am, 11:00am 2:00pm and 3:30pm everyday.

编辑:张少虎 标签: dinosaurs science exhibition
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