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Changsha Xiangjiang water level to hit historic low

2015-01-13 09:42:38 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The water level at Chenglingji, a downstream part of the Xiangjiang River, dropped to 20.40 meters on Jan 11, which is so far the lowest level this winter.

The Changsha hub area of the river also saw the number decreased to 20.24 meters on Jan 10, only 0.07 meter higher than the bottom level since its navigation. Ships with load capacity of 2,000 tons can only make it 40 or 50 percent at present.

The maritime sector reminded the passing ships to watch out for navigation safety.

Experts said that the water level decline was mainly caused by the dry weather this winter. The Xiangjiang River valley area has not received any rain for 41 consecutive days.

Currently, ship draft along the section from Xiangyin to the Changsha comprehensive hub is restricted within two meters to avoid ship grounding.

From November 2014 to Jan 11, 2015, three dredgers from Hunan Harbor Engineering Company removed more than 50 million square meters of sludge off the river basin at Nanmengang area in Xiangyin to ensure smooth traffic along the "golden waterway".

Changsha Xiangjiang water level to hit historic low

A dredger from Hunan Harbor Engineering Company works at the Nanmengang river basin area in Xiangyin, the downstream of the Xiangjiang River onJan 11, 2015. [Photo/Changsha Evening News]

编辑:张少虎 标签: Xiangjiang low water level
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