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Changsha puts forward preferential policies for startups

2014-12-30 10:15:01 来源:china daily
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Six special groups of residents in Changsha who start their own businesses can enjoy a reduction and exemption of part of the administrative charges for three years, Changsha Evening News reported, citing the municipal commodity price bureau.

The preferential policy covers laid-off workers, military retirees, college graduates, lost-land farmers, migrant workers returning home and the disabled.

The exempted charges include the individual businesses' registration fees, fees for effecting changes in registration, industrial and commercial information costs charged by the Industry and Commerce Dept; the certificate fees of three-wheeled automobiles and low-speed lorries charged by the Public Security Dept; and the shipping registration fees charged by the Transport Agency.

There will also be a reduction of 15 percent on product quality inspection fees charged by the Quality Inspection Dept and 30 percent off the hygienic inspection fees by the Health Department.

This move is expected to promote the venturing and re-employment undertakings in the city, said a principal from the commodity price bureau. Eligible entrepreneurs who have not yet enjoyed the benefits can file a report by dialing the hotline 12358.

编辑:张少虎 标签: preferential policies startups
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