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Changsha will add a new airline to Northwest Xi'an and Lanzhou

2014-12-25 16:41:33 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Changsha in Hunan province will add a new flight to the city of Xi'an and Lanzhou in Northwest China, starting from Dec 26, Changsha Evening News reported citing the Hunan Branch of China Southern Airlines.

The flight number of this route is CZ6705/6, and the flight will be undertaken by an A320 aircraft every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

The plane will take off at 12:25 pm from Changsha, arriving at Xi'an at 2:15 pm, and gets to Lanzhou at 4:25 pm; the return flight will then take off from Lanzhou at 6:10 pm, arriving at Xi'an at 7:20pm, and reaching Changsha at 10:10 pm.

At present, passengers can book an air ticket from Changsha to Xi'an on the official website of China Southern Airline where they can get a maximum discount of 60 percent , falling to 360 yuan ($57.99). The flight tickets of Changsha-Xi'an-Lanzhou come with a maximum discount of 55 percent, at 540 yuan.

编辑:张少虎 标签: new airline Xi'an Lanzhou
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