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Changsha co-launched leisure agriculture lectures with Taiwan

2014-12-05 14:37:43 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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More than 500 agricultural entrepreneurs, young entrepreneur representatives, and students from Hunan Agricultural University attended a lecture in Changsha on Dec 3, where a scholar from Taiwan talked about the development of leisure agriculture.

They also exchanged views on agricultural technologies and the different experiences between the two areas. The Vice Mayor of Changsha, Li Shiqiu was present for the event.

The exchange activity was co-launched by Changsha Federation of Agricultural Entrepreneurs, Changsha Youth Federation, and Changsha Young Entrepreneurs Association.

The organizers invited Duan Zhaolin, chairman of the Taiwan Leisure Agriculture Association and vice-president of Taiwan Pingtung University of Science and Technology, to give a lecture on the development and practical experience of leisure agriculture in Taiwan.

Duan also put forward several suggestions for Changsha to exert advantages of its local resources to industrialize its leisure agriculture.

This is the first large-scale event hosted by Changsha Federation of Agricultural Entrepreneurs since its foundation in September. The Federation is a municipal and comprehensive organization for agricultural entrepreneurs, to provide them a platform for study and exchange, technical support, and cooperation.

It has 278 members at the moment, who come from different fields, such as planting and breeding, processing, agricultural machinery, technology, and new countryside construction.

编辑:张少虎 标签: agriculture Taiwan
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