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Party Chief Yi Lianhong visits model town Lianhua town in Changsha

2014-11-24 06:48:07 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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Changsha Party Chief Yi Lianhong came to Lianhua town in Yuelu district on Nov 19 and visited local residents and grass-roots Party members and cadres. Yi also investigated local economic development and basic-level Party building work.

Lianhua is a model town for urban-rural integration and a "two-oriented society" (resource-conservation and environment-friendly) construction in Changsha city, Hunan province. It is characterized by ecological agriculture and rural tourism.  

Four major "10,000 mu (666.67 hectares) farming bases" respectively of fruit, vegetable, prataculture, and flowers and plants have taken shape in the town.

Yi visited two local enterprises -- the Tongmu Village Blueberry Base and Tianquan Prataculture Base. The Blueberry Base has received an investment of 120 million yuan ($19.6 million) to plant high-end small berry species on 2,000 mu transacted farmland. The Tianquan Prataculture Base aims to build the largest ecological prataculture base in Central China and it has sub-contracted 8,000 mu farmland in Lima village.

The Lianhua town Party organization plays an important role in promoting the development of local enterprises, as the local Party Committee has activated a "one for one" program, that is, every member in the Committee is responsible for one agricultural industrialized project.

The Tianquan Prataculture Party Branch has followed up on the situation of local farmers' income increasing and found out that since the launch of the enterprise, the per capita income of Lima villagers has grown into more than 20,000 yuan from around 4,000 yuan previously. 

Yi highly appreciated local economic achievements and encouraged enterprises to further develop modern high efficiency agriculture and enrich local farmers. He also asked the basic-level Party organizations and members to provide all-round services and bring more benefits to local residents.


Party Chief Yi Lianhong visits model town Lianhua town in Changsha

Changsha Party Chief Yi Lianhong (middle) talks with residents in a poets' club in Tongmu village, Lianhua town, Changsha. [Photo by Zhou Baiping/Changsha Evening News]

编辑:于姝楠 标签: model town
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