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First Changsha International Butterfly Cultural Festival during the National Day holiday

2014-10-03 07:03:41 来源:enghunan.gov.cn
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From October 1st to 7th, carnival activities themed butterfly tourism culture will be held to celebrate the National Day in the Guangming butterfly valley in Bairuopu town of Wangcheng district, Changsha city including the First Changsha International Butterfly Cultural Festival .

More than 1,000 species of butterfly and over 100,000 live butterflies from all over the world will be showcased at the festival, including ten endangered butterflies and king butterflies from five continents. The well-designed science museum, gallery and studio of butterflies fully exhibit visitors the beauty of nature and life and also educate people to cherish natural resources and protect the environment.

First Changsha International Butterfly Cultural Festival during the National Day holiday

First Changsha International Butterfly Cultural Festival during the National Day holiday

编辑:刁云娇 标签: butterfly festival
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