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Banking financial institutions holds RMB knowledge and money-counting competition

2014-10-03 07:03:37 来源:en.changsha.gov.cn
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The second session of the RMB knowledge and money-counting competition among banking financial institutions in Hunan province was held in the gymnasium of Changsha University of Science and Technology on Sept 27.

In 10 minutes, bank staff members were required to remove counterfeit and incomplete money, and also to complete the counting of a stack of money in different denominations with around 100 pieces. In the manual counting section, a contestant counted 2,590 pieces and was given the honor of "deft hand at counting money".  

This competition was jointly organized by the Hunan Federation of Trade Unions and Changsha branch of the People's Bank of China. After over 4-month’s trial matches, 103 competitors were selected to attend the counting skills finals from more than 40,000 bank tellers in more than 8,000 banking outlets of 27 banking financial institutions in the province.

The counting skills contest is divided into mechanical counting and manual counting. Manual counting is still a basic skill of bank tellers as it can identify incomplete money and small denomination banknotes which mechanical counting is unable to accomplish.

In the manual counting contest, Chen Ying from the provincial branch of the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), Gu Xiuying from China Construction Bank provincial branch and Duan Guiping from ABC provincial branch occupied the top three places.

Edited by Zhang Qiong, Brian Salter

Source: Changsha Evening News

编辑:刁云娇 标签: bank counting competition
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